Friday, 18 January 2019


Hello Year 4!

It was really nice to have a full week of learning, and you have worked really hard in all areas of the curriculum.

Highlights of the week:The week started with the children reading the story of "Salt in his shoes" all about hopes and dreams. The children created a class book of their goals for the future, what barriers they have put in the way of these dreams, and how to overcome them.We also had a really fun science lesson where we were investigating the weight of different gases by weighing fizzy drinks before and after we shook them to release all the carbon dioxide. The children really enjoyed doing this!

We have been code detectives in History as we have been looking at the Phoenician alphabet and using it to write messages to each other. This proved to be a challenge, considering there are no vowels in the Phoenician alphabet! In English, the children have been really enjoying "Stig of the dump" and have been answering lots of comprehension questions based on the text. They have also been working on their summarising skills, so please tell your family at home all about the text so far, and share with them your predictions about what you think might happen. In maths, we have been looking at different properties of shapes and using verbal reasoning to explain and compare these shapes. The children have been working really hard on explaining their answers to develop their mathematical language and skills.

Next week:

We are finishing off 'Stig of the Dump' and using drama to act out some of the key moments in the text.
The spelling focus for this week is 'ture' spelled words.

We are finishing off looking at different properties of shapes and then exploring symmetry.

We are investigating heating and cooling with chocolate!

All of the children have been working really hard on their times table learning. Please ensure they are practising at home. They have all told me which times table they are working on, so they know what they need to practise.

Have a lovely weekend and I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Bradford