Friday, 5 April 2019


Hello Year 4!
I cannot believe we have made it to the Easter holidays already. This year is going so fast! This week the children performed their production of ROCK BOTTOM once to the whole school and twice to their friends and family. I was absolutely amazed at how fantastic they were and it was an absolute delight to see them enjoying themselves while performing. A massive thank you to all of the adults that pulled together to help with the production and of course to the children who produced an amazing show. Mrs Zegallo also took some fantastic pictures of the performance. I will post these as well as a detailed blog on what we will be doing next half term over the holidays. Unfortunately the end of term means that we are saying goodbye to Mrs Kirby. The children are very sad to see her go but are incredibly appreciative of all of her hard work. She will certainly be missed, but we are looking forward to her visiting us soon. Good luck Mrs Kirby!

We will be having a Year 4 talent show in the afternoon of the first day back. This is a chance for the children to show off their talents and skills and think about what makes them special and unique. The children have been informed that the talent can involve anything from singing, dancing, role play, joke telling, story telling, playing an instrument or anything else that can be performed in the classroom. A lot of children have asked me if they have to take part, and I have explained that although it is not compulsory, it would be great if as many children as possible could take part.

Have a brilliant Easter holiday. Please make sure you are taking time to read, and go onto mathletics as well as practising for the talent show!

See you in the summer term!

Miss Bradford