Friday, 11 October 2019


Hello Year 4! 

Highlights of the week:
In maths, the children have been looking at place value column addition. The children have enjoyed using  different maths resources and even their own bodies to represent how to layout this method. In English we have been planning our own myth/quest stories based on all of our learning. It was lovely to see so many of you at the 'Harvest Festival' today. The children sang really well and seemed to really enjoy this. We have also been planning our experiment on tooth decay. The children have decided different liquids that they would like to place an egg in (representing the human tooth) to see the effect it will have. 

The mindfulness song of the week was ‘Proud’ by Heather Small. The children have reflected on what they have done in and out of school that they are proud of.  

Important notices: - Next week we are going to the Potters Bar museum on Thursday morning. Please make sure you children come to school with a coat with a hood, as we will be walking to and from the museum. We will be back in time for lunch. 

- We will be continuing with our observational art drawings on Thursday afternoon. The children who finished drawing their first item this week will need to bring in their second item on Thursday. Those children who didn't quite finish need to bring in their first item again so they can complete this. The children have been told and reminded  which item they need to bring it. 

-Our first sharing assembly of the school year is on Monday. Unfortunately I will not be in school as I am going to Lochinver with the choir on this day. However, the children who are presenting in this sharing assembly are prepared and excited to share the work they are proud of. 

Next week: 
English: Writing a myth/quest story. 

Maths: Written strategies for addition and subtraction continued. 

Science: Carrying out a tooth decay experiment. 

PSHE: Looking at actions and consequences

Art: Observation drawing of a special item.

History: Potters Bar museum trip.

Spanish: Classroom vocabulary.

RE: Exploring the life of Guru Nanak.

ICT: Timetable rock stars programme.  

Spellings: Due to children quite frequently misspelling the days of the week and months of the year wrong in their books, I have decided that these will be our spellings for this week. I have spoken to the children about the importance of writing these words with a capital letters.  


Have a lovely weekend! Please do not hesitate to email me for any queries.
Miss Bradford