Friday, 25 October 2019


Good afternoon Year 4! 
I cannot believe we have reached the end of the first half term! I have been really impressed with how well the children have settled into the expectations of Year 4 and the great work they have produced. They have really risen the challenge! Keep it up Year 4!

Highlights of the week:
The children have had a great last week where they have been producing onomatopoeia poems in English. We have also been focusing hard on the times tables in maths this week. Please make sure you are practising over the holidays. You must learn them in the order that we have discussed. I have given out a list of games/websites to help you with your times tables at parents evening. This week the class also visited the nursery and reception children and really enjoyed reading and sharing stories with them. It was so lovely to see how caring the class were being towards the younger children. This will be activity that we will be carrying on with after half term. 

Over the holidays I will be uploading another blog with a list of subjects that we will be covering next half term. 

Home learning for the half term: 
    Children must be reading at home and completing learning on Mathletics. The children also need to be practising their times tables.  I have also given out a list of the spellings that the children are expected to know by the end of Year 4. Please look through this with your children and choose some to focus on over the half term, as there is no official spellings for the holidays. This is a great time to work through this list. If I forgot to give you one of these sheets, I apologise! I have created a tab at the top of the blog with the words on there. 

Below are some suggestions of mini tasks you can complete over half term to help your children become more independent. It would be great if you could photograph your children completing some of these tasks so we can create a display in the classroom. You do not have to complete all of these, choose the ones you think would be most beneficial and interesting to you.

- Learn how to tie a tie.
-   - Learn how to tie your laces.
- Take a walk outside and complete an observation drawing of nature.- Learn or practise riding a bike.- Practise swimming.- Write a letter to me (Miss Bradford) with the correct address of Little Heath and either bring it in on the first day back, or you can actually post it! It can be about anything you like!- Visit the local library.
- Practise telling the time.

Have a fantastic half term, you should be really proud of yourselves for all of the hard work you have achieved so far. I am looking forward to seeing you all refreshed after the break.

     Miss Bradford