Friday, 8 November 2019


Hello Year 4! 
What a great start the children have made to this half term! It was great to see so many of you enjoying the fireworks celebration on Sunday. What a great way to start back!  

Highlights of the week:
This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of the 9x table. The children have loved singing along with Percy Parker. Remember you can find all of the songs on YouTube to practise at home. They have also been using the timetable tab at the top of the blog page to practise their tables. In English, we have begun to read our class text 'Bill's New Frock' and have been answering comprehension questions about the book so far. The children have also been hot seating each other in the character of Bill. They generated some great questions and really enjoyed being in role as the character. We have been really practical with our learning this week. In RE, the children have been acting out the story of Diwali. We also used the outdoor area to take some mindfulness photography pictures of wildlife as part of our ICT learning. 

Important notices:
-On Tuesday we will be having an 'Odd Socks' day for anti-bullying day, so the children may come to school in crazy wacky odd socks.
-We will also be holding a non uniform and crazy hair day in exchange for £1 on Friday in aid of Children in Need.
-Our class assembly is on Friday 22nd November at 9:00am. It will be great to see as many of you as possible there.

Next week:

Maths:  Factors and scaling.

English: Different pieces of extended writing around our book, including a diary entry, and a letter.

From now on there will be 2 groups each week for the spellings. The children will be able to choose each week which group they would like to be in. They have chosen their spellings already for this week.

Group 1:

Group 2:

Science: Food pyramids.
Spanish: Instructions in Spanish
 RE: Hindu God's
 PSHE: Team building activities.
 ICT: Cyber bullying
Geography: How volcanoes are formed.

 Art/D/T: Shell mosaic 

Please make sure you are reading at home as well as completing Mathletics, there are lots of children who are not filling in their reading journals with a comment on home.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Bradford