Merry Christmas!
Wow- almost at the end of the first term! The children have come along so far since the start of the year. I am really pleased with all of their progress so far. It was great to see many of you at open evening on Wednesday. If you could not attend please feel free to email me to arrange a time for you to come in and have a look at your children's books.
Next week
For our final week we will be doing some Christmas based learning. On Friday we will have our annual pantomime and school will finish at 2pm.
The Carol Concert is taking place on Monday evening at 19:00. It is really important that all children attend. All children need to be in school uniform – if children want to wear Christmas head wear this is allowed. Those children who are reading something, if you could practise over the weekend that would be great!
We also have the KS2 Christmas party next Thursday afternoon. The children can bring their own clothes to change into to feel more comfortable when busting a move.
Please could you all to return all library books by Monday.
There are no spellings for the final week of term.
Due to the changes in timetable for the different Christmas activities, can all children bring a PE/football kit in on Monday and keep it in school for the whole week, as we cannot guarantee when they will have their slots.
Have a lovely weekend.
See you on Monday!
Miss Bradford