Tuesday, 7 January 2020


Happy new year to you all! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and are coming back feeling refreshed. 

Please see below for the topics we will be covering this half term: 

- units of measurement 
-discrete continuous data
-properties of shape
- calculating decimals.

The children will be writing non chronological reports about volcanoes. Describing a range of story settings and writing and performing a script. 

We are looking at states of matter and will be conducting a range of experiments involving solids, liquids and gases. 

We are completing a unit of work on hopes and dreams where the class will be considering their goals and how to overcome disappointment when different obstacles get in the way of achieving these goals. 

We will be looking at different themes within Religion, for example, belonging and commitment and different religions show this. 

We will be researching and learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Egypt, mummification, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphics, and the different Egyptian gods. 

Half of the class are now going to now be completing art with a teacher from Stormont where they will be designing, creating and evaluating ceramic plates in the style of Ancient Egyptians linking to our History learning. The other half of the class will be completing Picasso inspired painting and experiment with different painting styles. After half term the groups will change so everyone will get a go at both units of work. The children have been told which group they are going in. 

Continuing to create powerpoint presentations and begin designing individual websites.

Looking forward to a great term!