Friday, 28 February 2020


Good afternoon Year 4!

Highlights of the week:The children have arrived back in school fully refreshed and full of energy. The brief arrival of the snow caused a lot of excitement this week for both the class and the adults! This week the children have really enjoyed receiving letters from their new Pen Pals! The letters came from Grade 5 in an American school in North Carolina. The class really enjoyed learning about the similarities and differences in their schooling and wrote replies to explain what life is like in the UK for children their age, as well as asking questions about life in America. 

Please find below a brief outline of the topics the children will be covering over the next term.
English:-Take one book focusing on 'Stig of the dump'.
-Play script writing
Science:-Continuing states of  matter
-The Rainforest 
-Healthy me.
-Sacrifices and creation story in Sikhism.
-Continuing to create a website.
-The children will be swapping groups so the group that completed the Stormont art project will be completing a Picasso inspired portrait.


Group 1: 

Group 2: 

School reports will be taken home today. You can make comments on Gateway if you wish to.

Please remember it is World Book Day on Thursday, children can come to school in their favourite book character along with the book if they have one.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Miss Bradford