Friday, 25 September 2020


Good Afternoon Year 4,

Well done to you all for all your hard work this week. You are all improving your behaviour and attitudes towards your learning well done! 

Throughout the week please continue to use Mathletics and Reading. Remember you need to be practising your times tables up to x12. When you have read your book with your parents please ask them to sign their names in your reading record. 

Next Week

Maths - Next week we will be focusing on Place Value with numbers beyond 1000.

English – In English we are going to be finishing our stories and moving onto our Myths and Legends topic with our new text, Beowulf. 

Science – Next week we are going to be investigating the digestion system and writing an explanation about this. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.  Get lots of rest. 

Mrs Bidder