Friday, 2 October 2020


Good Afternoon Year 4

Another week of hard work and more focus. Well done! We have made it to the end of Week 5 already, time is certainly flying by. 

Next week in English we will be continuing to read Beowulf and focusing on writing Newspaper Reports. Our grammar focus for the week is embedded clauses. 

In Maths next week we will be focusing on using efficient methods for addition and subtraction. This means we will be focussing on use mental skills to solve problems. 

Next week you will be starting football on Tuesday afternoons. You will need the appropriate attire for this on a Tuesday. Please speak to Mr Mills if you need any more information. 


Please ensure with your child you are -  reading daily (10 minutes), going on mathletics/mathseeds (3 x 20 minutes a week) and practising spellings.

Please ensure you bring your coats in next week as the weather is getting colder. 

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Bidder