Friday, 16 October 2020


  Good Afternoon Year 4

Well done this week, you all produced an engaging newspaper report and poem! 

Next week in English we will be thinking more in depth about how Beowulf is feeling and producing a monologue as him. 

In Maths next week we will be focusing on using formal written methods for subtraction. Please continue to practise using column method for addition and applying this to missing box questions. 

Next week, you still have football on Tuesdays so please ensure you bring in your kit. 


Please ensure with your child you are -  reading daily (10 minutes), going on mathletics (3 x 20 minutes a week) and practising spellings.

Please ensure you bring your coats in next week as the weather is getting colder and wetter. 

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Bidder