Friday, 27 November 2020


 Good Afternoon Everyone, 

This week has flown by! I have been impressed with your resilience to solve challenging maths problems this week. 

Upcoming events 
Friday 4th - Mufti day (bring in something for the hampers).
Friday 11th Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinners.
Thursday 17th Year 4 Party. 
Friday 18th (last day of term) - Elf Day. Dress as an elf. School finishes at 2:00pm. 

All PE lessons will now be taking place outside. Please ensure your children have appropriate clothing for the weather. 

Next week 

Maths - Continuing with Conversions of measure. 

English - Poetry (Free Verse)

Science - Find patterns between pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. 

Geography - To explore the features of a volcano. 

Spanish - Learning how to sing Happy Birthday.

RE - To identify the importance of each part of the Puja Plate discuss what an offering is. 

D&T - To design a Christmas Card and make simple levers and linkages. 

Please ensure you use mathletics and times table rockstars to support you with your times tables. Continue to read your books and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a good weekend! 

Mrs Bidder