Friday, 11 December 2020


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

What a fantastic day we had today! You all looked great in your jumpers! We are counting down to Christmas now which is exciting! 

All your projects that have come in, well done for all your hard work! We will begin to present these next week! 

This week I have been taken back by your sensitivity to our English learning and the writing that you have all produced! 

Next week we will continue to write our recounts and begin to put these together. 

In Maths, we are going to be focusing on finding the Perimeter of different shapes. 

In Science, we are going to measure what happens to sound at different distances.

In RE, we are continuing our learning about Hinduism. 

In Geography, we are going to continue our leaflets about volcanoes. 

In DT, we are going to make our moving cards. 

In Spanish, we are learning  Christmas songs and writing Christmas Cards. 

Well done for all your hard work this week and for making the lead up to Christmas exciting and fun. 

Upcoming events 
Thursday 17th Y4 party - please bring a set of party clothes the children can change into in the afternoon. 
Friday 18th (last day of term) - Elf day. Dress up as an elf. School finishes at 2:00pm. 

Have a great weekend, 
Mrs Bidder