Friday, 12 March 2021



Good Afternoon Year 4,

This has been a fantastic week which has flown by. We have had lots of excitement with the mixture of World Book Day and Science Week! It is fantastic to see all of you back happy and engaged with your learning! This week you have taken part in many different experiments which I hope you all enjoyed and learned lots from.

Next Week 


Maths – We will be learning the formal method of division. We will also be recapping multiplication methods.  

English – We are continuing to read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We are going to try and write an alternative ending to the chapter using a prediction. We are also learning about verb tenses.

Science – In Science we are going to continue learning about how different matters change state.

Geography – We are going to be learning more about Rivers and their features.

Art – In art, we are going to use our knowledge of printing to create a mono print.

Computing – We will be continuing making our boat race game. Please ensure you have your logins and password.

Spanish – In Spanish this week we are going to be recapping our previous learning.



Monday - Trainers

Tuesday – Football Kit

Wednesday – Rugby Kit


Have a fantastic weekend.


Mrs Bidder