Friday, 19 March 2021


 Good Afternoon Year 4,

I hope you have all had a great week and have got back into the swing of Year 4. 

Next Week 


Maths – We will be recapping formal multiplication and solving problems involving money.

English – We are learning about Easter. We will be learning the Easter story and thinking about why we have eggs at Easter time. 

Science – In Science we are going to continue learning about how different matters change state.

Geography – We are going to be learning more about Rivers and their features.

Art – In art, we are going to use our knowledge of printing to create a lino print.

Computing – We will be continuing making our boat race game. Please ensure you have your logins and password.

Spanish – In Spanish this week we are going to be recapping our previous learning.



Monday - Trainers

Tuesday – Football Kit

Wednesday – Rugby Kit


Have a fantastic weekend.


Mrs Bidder