Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Spellings - 27/04/21

 Suffix 'tion' 

1.      adoration

2.      admiration

3.      coronation

4.      detonation

5.      observation

6.      location

7.      generation

8.      exploration

9.      combination

10 illustration

1     knowledge





Friday, 23 April 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

Another great week in school. We have continued our journey with Edward Tulane which has come to shock some of us this week. 

PE - Please remember to bring in your PE Kit for every lesson. 

Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Next week 

Maths - This week we will be continuing our fractions topic. We will be learning about equivalent fractions and decimal equivalents. 

English - We will be continuing our book 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane' and seeing where he next goes on his journey. 

Science - In science this week we will be looking at symbols for electrical circuits.  

Geography - This week we will be learning about different plants in the rainforest. 

Computing - This week we will be using Turtle Academy to write algorithms to draw letters.  

RE - We will be learning about Psalms. 

Art - This week we are going to continue to develop or mosaic techniques. 

Please ensure you use mathletics and times table rockstars at home at least 3 times a week. Continue to read your books and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 19 April 2021

19/04/21 - Spellings

 Spellings 'sc' for 's' sound
















Friday, 16 April 2021


 Hello all! 

Welcome back! I am pleased all the children are back and well and have all had lots of rest over the Easter Holidays. 


Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

After School Clubs have now started again. 

Monday - Tennis Club

Tuesday - Netball Club

Thursday - Cricket Club

Next week 

Maths - This week we will be continuing learning about fractions. 

English -  We will be continuing our text The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane. We will be writing a persuasive letter. 

Science - We are going to be learning about Electricity and electric symbols. 

Geography - In Geography we will be learning about the Rainforest. This week we will be learning about the layers of the rainforest.  

Computing - In Computing this term we will be learning how to programme a turtle and understand how to sequence an algorithm to make a programme. We will be using turtle academy to do this. 

RE - We will be learning about wisdom and using stories to support our understanding of wisdom. 

Art - This week in Art we will be using images of our emotions to draw a self portrait. 

I hope you all have a great weekend. 

Mrs Bidder