Friday, 14 May 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

What a fantastic week we have had! Our visit to the Herts Young Mariners' Base was an enjoyable and fun day filled with lots of laughs. Well done to all of the children for attempting all of the activities and encouraging each other. 

This week we also had a zoom session with an inspirational motorsport engineer. She encouraged us all to be resilient in our learning and to be perseverant to achieve our dreams. 

PE - Please remember to bring in your PE Kit for every lesson. 

Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Next week 

Maths - Next week we will be focusing on Roman Numerals. 

English - Next week we will be writing stories with a theme. 

Science - In science next week we will be making electrical circuits using conductors and insulators. 

Geography - Next week we will be learning about different animals that live in the rainforest. 

Computing - Next week we will be continuing to use Turtle Academy to write algorithms.

RE - We will be writing a Parable.  

Art - This week we are going to continue to create a game using an electrical circuit. 

Please ensure you practice your times table on TTRS at home at least 3 times a week. On this website you can also access Numbots Continue to read your books and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Bidder