Friday, 11 June 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

A fantastic start to the last half term! On Thursday, we had another inspirational and insightful discussion with an engineer, Poppy. She worked for JCB who are in fact an agricultural company that supply the country with many products. The children had many inquisitive questions. 

PE - Please remember to bring in your PE Kit for every lesson. 

Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Next week 

Maths - We will be focusing on Division

English - We will be writing a discussion text based on Deforestation.

Science - We will be classifying animals and insects based on their habitats.  

History - We will be exploring the school on Google Maps. 

Computing - To use a range of web tools that can be used to work together. 

RE - To discuss how important rules are. 

Art - To analyse and act out a famous painting. 

Please ensure you practice your times table on TTRS at home at least 3 times a week. On this website you can also access Numbots Continue to read your books and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Bidder