Friday, 25 June 2021


Good Afternoon, 

A huge well done to all the children in the class who have tried extremely hard with their times tables over the last few months. All the hard work certainly paid off! This week the children have thought of some fantastic inventions using ideas from our new text. 

PE - Please remember to bring in your PE Kit for every lesson. 

Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Wednesday - 1hr (full PE kit)

Next week 

Maths - We will be focusing on Fractions

English - We will be continuing our new text and writing an Explanation based on Charlie Small: Gorilla City.

Science - We will be continuing to make classification keys. 

History - We will be researching and examining urban life now. 

Computing - We will be using emails to share ideas.  

RE - To identify how we decide what is right and wrong. 

Art - We will be focusing on different parts of a painting to recreate it. 

PSHE - We will be learning about female and male puberty. All the language used is scientific and follows the guidance of our scheme 'Jigsaw' 

Please ensure you practice your times table on TTRS at home at least 3 times a week. On this website you can also access Numbots Continue to read your books and use the reading stems to answer questions about the text.

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Bidder