Friday, 5 November 2021


Good Afternoon Year 4, 

Welcome back after half term. We have had an exciting week of learning and are lucky to finish it off with a beautiful firework display tomorrow. Yesterday, we were very lucky to have a session with three different ladies in the field of STEM. We spoke to a herbologist, a landscape architect and a researcher who works at Kew Gardens who is extracting DNA from plants and flowers. The children had fantastic questions about what they had learnt. Fortunately for the children, Miss Davis has organised for the children to have presentation each week from a different sector of STEM to give the children more information about different roles within STEM. 

Project - The project will be posted on a separate post name Mythical Creature. 

This project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021

Sharing Assembly 
Throughout the year the children, in their friendship groups, will share some of their learning. I have attached a link to show which dates the children will be sharing. Parents/guardians are welcome to come and watch this assembly to celebrate the children's learning. 

Next Week 

Maths - Counting in 6,7,8,9,12

English - We will be using descriptive language to write about an imaginary character.

Science - We will be learning about how Sounds are made. 

Computing - We will be researching databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be introduced to the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to make different shades. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be focusing on the God Ganesh. 

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder