Friday, 19 November 2021


 Good Afternoon Year 4, 

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. Thank you to everyone who attended the assembly, the children made me very proud! This week we have spent lots of time focusing on multiplication and using efficient methods. Yesterday, we had another exciting presentation from some engineers. The children particularly enjoyed listening to the material engineer. We discussed the different uses for a material engineer and how they have such an impact on the world around us today.

Project - The project is due back Friday 3rd December 2021


There will be no more Swimming for Year 4. Unfortunately our swimming lessons have come to an end. The children have improved over the weeks and will hopefully continue to practise their skills in their own time. 

PE will now be on a Tuesday PM and Thursday PM. Tuesday will still be football so they will still need to bring in their kits and Thursday will be normal PE Kit. 

Next Week 

Maths - We will be continuing to learn methods of Multiplication. 

English - We will be continuing to write our story.

Science - We will be discussing pitch and volume. 

Computing - We will be researching databases and looking at the key features of these. 

History - We will be continuing to learn about the Anglo Saxons.

Art and Design - We will be mixing watercolours to create light and dark pictures. 

RE - We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will be learning about Hindu Gods.  

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder