Good Afternoon and Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a fantastic break and are feeling well rested. The children have settled back in well.
Throughout this term there will be a focus on times tables. Please can you ensure the children are learning their times tables through any method they feel best.
Next Week
Maths - We will be learning how to order and compare decimal numbers.
English - We will be studying a new text and predicting the story.
Science - We will be comparing and grouping materials together into solids, liquids and gases.
Computing - We will be identifying that accuracy in a program is important.
History - We will be exploring where and when the first civilisations took place.
Art - To learn to use shading for effect.
RE - We will discussing what it means to belong.
Please ensure you are practising times tables with your children. Please use the Soundcheck area on TTRS.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Bidder