Friday, 28 January 2022


 Good Afternoon Year 4,

The children have been working very hard this week across the curriculum. In Maths, we have been learning to add and subtract decimals using manipulatives. The children have worked hard on developing mental methods to add and subtract decimals and can show you this method at home. In English the children have read the Story the Red Tree and created a tree of hope. They have started writing a description about what a red tree looks like to them. The story can be listened to on Youtube if you would like to discuss their Red Tree at home. 


Next week we will have PE on Monday (Before Lunch), Tuesday afternoon (football) and Thursday (rugby) after lunch. The children will need two outdoor kits for these sessions. 
Please be aware all clubs will begin next week. 

Next Week 

Maths - We will be learning to add and subtract decimal numbers using formal column methods.

English - We will be learning about playscritps. Please can the children watch Alice in Wonderland at home as we will be comparing the book and the film.

Science - We will be describing how water melts and freezes and what states these change to.

Computing - We will be continuing to make loops. 

History - We will be learning about what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

RE - We will generating questions to help us understand what it means to belong in God's world. 

Please ensure you are practising times tables with your children. Please use the Soundcheck area on TTRS. Please also remember the children should be reading daily at home. 

Thank you for your continuous support. 

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Bidder