Friday, 25 February 2022


 Good Afternoon Year 4, 

We have had an exciting maths day trying lots of different activities. The children have completed tangrams, magic squares and colouring by knowing their times tables. A great effort from all the children showing resilience and determination. In English, the children have continued to enjoy the story of Alice in Wonderland. They have written the beginning of the story, detailing their ideas of what Wonderland looks like. 

PGL Meeting - Wednesday 2nd March @ 2:30pm in the Hall

World Book Day - Thursday 4th March 2022

KS2 Performance Dates

Wednesday 30th March @ 1.30pm

Thursday 31st March @ 6.30pm 


Thank you for all the projects that have been completed and handed in so efficiently. They are all fantastic. 

For this half term, the children will not be expected to complete a project as they are required to learn the songs and the dances for the show. 

Next Week

English - We  will be finishing writing our setting and beginning to read the story of Oliver. 

Maths - We will be continuing our learning on fractions. We will be finding equivalent fractions and converting improper fractions.

Science - We will be looking closely at evaporation and condensation.

Computing - We will be continuing to create our games.

Geography - We will be identifying some volcanoes in the world. 

Art - We will be learning about William Morris.

RE - We will be focusing on what it means to make a choice. 

Please continue to practise your times tables online using Soundcheck on TTRS, and read daily. 

Thank you for your continuous support,

Mrs Bidder