Good Afternoon Year 4,
We have had an extremely exciting week! On World Book day we created our very own Wonderland which was very exciting. As a team we drew and painted wonderland. We have also been discussing the setting of a workhouse in Victorian Britain. In Maths this week we have been learning to divide. We have practised the short division method as well as beginning to learn to use long division.
Next Week
English - We will be writing a persuasive letter to Bear.
Maths - We will be continuing to learn to divide.
Science - We will be learning about the Water Cycle.
History - We will be learning more about mummification.
RE - We will be learning about Good Friday.
Computing - We will be continuing to create our game online.
PSHE - We will be discussing what makes a good friend.
World Book Day
Half Termly Project - KS2 Production
There is the link with all the lyrics to the KS2 production. Please ensure the children are practicing the songs at home.
All songs can be found on Youtube
Thank - you for your continuous support,
Mrs Bidder