Friday, 11 March 2022


Good Afternoon Year 4,
Another successful week of hard work in Year 4. This week we have been using our growth mindset to overcome the challenge of long division. We have practised lots this week so I am sure the children will be eager to continue to practise this at home. In English, we have been debating whether Bear in our story would like to move to the city or stay in the forest. Rehearsals for our upcoming spectacular are well underway - well done to all the children who have learnt their lines. 

Half Termly Project - KS2 Production
There is the link with all the lyrics to the KS2 production. Please ensure the children are practicing the songs at home. 
All songs can be found on Youtube

A few reminders;
  • Children should arrive at school from 6:50am
  • Please do not send any food with your child
  • Please ensure they have their bedding
  • Children should be dressed ready for their first activity
Please contact me if you have any questions

As from next week, our slots will be changing. PE will now be on Wednesday afternoons (football) and Thursday afternoons (rugby). 

Next Week 
English - We will be writing a persuasive letter
Maths - We will be learning about equivalent fractions
Science - We will be writing and recording our knowledge of the water cycle
Geography - We will be identifying some volcanoes around the world
RE - We will be learning about Jesus' death
PSHE - Working as a team PGL
Art and Design - We will be learning how to print

Thank you for your continuous support, 

Mrs Bidder