Friday, 9 September 2022


 Good Afternoon Year 4, 

Welcome Back! Hope you have all had a great first week back. Everybody has settled in well to Year 4! This week, we have spent lots of time outside, discussing what is special about our Earth and what we are thankful for. The children have really thought about how we will make changes to our daily lifestyle to save and heal our planet. Our book 'Dear Earth,' has been extremely inspiring for us. 

Next week we will begin our more structured timetable. Our topics this term are: 

English - Roman Myths

Maths - Place Value

Science - Animals including Humans

Computing - E Safety

Geography - Village Settlers 

Art - Drawing Skills

RE - Religious Festivals

PSHE - Being Me In My World


Monday - 30 mins (trainers only) 

Tuesday - 1hr after lunch 

Thursday - 1hr end of the day (football kit)

On Friday 14th October 2022 we will be visiting London Zoo. We will be departing from school at 8:30am. The children will need a disposable packed lunch and a raincoat on the day. The children will need to wear full school uniform on the day. The trip is to support our learning about the Rainforest. We aim to be back by the end of the school day. 

In Year 4, it is expected that daily reading will take place as well as practising times tables. The children are still able to access TTRS using their old logins. If you need a reminder of these please ask.  Spellings will start next week with a pre-test on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Bidder