Friday, 30 September 2022


Good Afternoon Year 4,

Hope you have all had a fantastic week. This week we have created sound poems about the digestive system as well as performing their creative interpretation of this. 

In Maths this week, we have learnt how to add numbers using efficient methods such as rebalancing equal calculations. 

Next week

English – We will be starting to plan our own myths. 

Maths – We will be learning to use efficient methods for subtraction. 

Science - We will be understanding better what happens in the digestive system. 

PSHE - We will be thinking about what makes a good friend

Geography - We will be describing how settlements are connected to each other. 

Times Table - x8

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Tuesday (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)

The children's half term project is due - Monday 10th October 2022

We will be celebrating Harvest Festival on Friday 7th October 2022 @11:00 - 11:30 Please join us.

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practise their times tables. The children have all been issued a reading book now, please ensure you are reading daily. 

Have a good weekend,  

Mrs Bidder