Friday, 16 September 2022

Half Term Project

 Design and Make Your Own Mythical Creature.


Choose an animal that interests you, then find a picture. 

Think about what are the important features of this animal.

To make your mythical creature, you can combine a human

 and an animal or two animals!

What is your creature called?

If you are combining two real animals, you could take part of

 the name for each.

For example, a half-Zebra, half-Giraffe might be called a




Design a Wanted Poster for your Creature

WANTED! (+ name of creature).

This _____________ creature is half _____________, half

 _____________. It was last seen ______ing (+ prepositional phrase). It has ____________ hair / legs / eyes with

 ______________________. The ______________ beast

 moves (+simile / adverbial phrase). People say that it came

 from _____________________. If you see this

 ___________________ then _______________________. For your picture, you could draw your creature or use collage

 to combine the different elements!