Monday, 31 October 2022

Spellings 31/10/22

 Y3 and 4 Statutory Spellings

1. extreme

2. famous

3. favourite

4. February 

5. forward

6. fruit

7. grammar

8. group

9. guard

10. guide

11. heard

12. heart 

Friday, 21 October 2022


 Good Afternoon Year 4, 

What a fantastic end to a very busy half term! This week we have celebrated equality exploring, gender, orientation, disability and race. The children have been very mature towards all of these subjects and have shared some interesting thoughts. 

In Maths, we have worked hard to solve missing number problems in subtraction using the formal column subtraction. In class, the children have shown great resilience. 

In English, the children have written a non chronological report about digestion. They are officially experts! Well done to everyone for their researching skills and use of technical vocabulary! 

When we return from the holiday we will be starting a new story and beginning to focus on multiplication and division. Please ensure the children are practising their times tables over the holiday. 

At the zoo, we learnt lots about the rainforest and other animals. It was an extremely enjoyable day. 

Hope you all have an enjoyable and restful half term. 

Mrs Bidder

Monday, 17 October 2022

Spellings 17/10/22

 Phoneme ay spelt ei/eigh/ey

1.    Weigh

2.    Sleigh

3.    Beige

4.    Neighbour

5.    Eight

6.    Grey

7.    Prey

8.    They

9.    Obey

10. Vein


Monday, 10 October 2022

Spellings 10.10.22

 Spelling - Possessive apostrophe

  1. bicycle’s
  2. enclosure’s
  3. treasure’s
  4. fruit’s
  5. February’s
  6. grandad’s
  7. father’s
  8. Charlie’s
  9. class’s
  10. princess’s
  11. James's

Friday, 7 October 2022


Good Afternoon Year 4,

We had a busy week this week. We have started to write our own myths, we have learnt over 4 different efficient subtraction methods and we have experimented with digestion.  I have been really impressed with the enthusiasm in the children's learning this week.

Next week

English – We will be continuing to write our myths. 

Maths – We will be learning formal column methods.

Science - We will be learning about our teeth.  

PSHE - We will be understanding about how our actions have consequences. 

Geography - We will be learning about the rainforest. 

Times Table - x8

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Tuesday (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)

Sharing Assembly - Monday 10th October 2022 @ 9.00am



Finlay McGregor

Finley Moralee


The children's half term project is due - Monday 10th October 2022

Next week we will be going to London Zoo on Friday. 

The children will need a disposable lunch and appropriate clothing. 

The children can wear comfortable shoes as they will be doing lots of walking. 

We will be leaving school at 8.30am. 

We aim to return to school for 3.30pm.

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practise their times tables. The children have all been issued a reading book now, please ensure you are reading daily. 

Have a good weekend,  

Mrs Bidder





Monday, 3 October 2022

Spellings 3.10.22


1.   Irregular

2.   Irrational

3.   Irresponsible

4.   Irresistible

5.   Illegal

6.   Illiterate

7.    Illegible

8. Irrelevant

9.   Illogical

10.                     Illuminate