Friday, 11 November 2022


Good Afternoon Year 4,

Hope you have all had a fantastic week. This week we have written some fantastic descriptions using the Rhythm of the Rain. The children have thought carefully about their language choices. In addition to this the children have written some beautiful Haikus about Remembrance Day.

In Maths this week, we have learnt how to find factors of numbers. The children have also thought about how to scale numbers up and down. The children have practised this. 

Next week

English – We will be starting our learning on Snow White. We will be writing using suspense. 

Maths – We will be learning some efficient multiplication and division methods.  

Science - We will be learning how to construct a food chain. 

PSHE - We will be discussing what influences us.

History - We will be finding out who the Picts and Scots were. 

Times Table - x8

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Tuesday (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)

The children's half term project is due - 12th December 2022

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practise their times tables. The children have all been issued a reading book now, please ensure you are reading daily. 

Have a good weekend,  

Mrs Bidder
