Good Afternoon Year 4,
What a lovely end to the week. The children have produced a fantastic non fiction Anglo Saxon text and worked hard to recognise and draw different shapes. In Geography, this half term, the children will be learning about the The River Nile. They have researched some interesting facts about the Nile already. Earlier in the week, Year 4 filled the school with noise testing how different objects make sound.
Next week
English – We will be creating a character.
Maths – We will be learning about lines of symmetry.
Science - We will be learning about pitch.
PSHE - We will be learning about how to cope with broken dreams.
Geography - The River Nile
RE - Identify what it means to belong.
Times Table - x7,8 and 9
PE timetable
Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)
Wednesday Swimming (1 hour - full kit)
Thursday (1 hour - full kit)
Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practise their times tables. The children have all been issued a reading book now, please ensure you are reading daily.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Bidder