Friday, 3 March 2023


Good Afternoon Year 4,

What an amazing week! We have had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Bell, the fabulous author, and been able to dress up in our pyjamas or as a favourite character. We have been thinking about how we are going to film our very own version of Alice in Wonderland and have began to script this. 

In Maths this week, we have started to add and subtract fractions with common denominators. This has been fun as we have applied our learning to everyday life. 

Next week

English – We are going to be going on an adventure down a rabbit hole. 

Maths – We will be adding and subtracting fractions using regrouping. 

Science - We will be learning about changing states of matter. 

PSHE - To identify what it means to be a good friend to me. 

History - To explore the culture and traditions of Egyptians

Times Table - x7,8 and 12

PE timetable

Monday (30 minutes - trainers only)

Wednesday Swimming  (1 hour - full kit)

Thursday (1 hour - full kit)

Wednesday 8th March - Maths Day

If the children have a part in the school play please encourage the children to learn their lines over the half-term as this will support us when trying to organise the play. 

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practise their times tables. The children have all been issued a reading book now, please ensure you are reading daily. 

Mrs Bidder