Friday, 19 May 2023


Good afternoon,

I hope you all had a wonderful week with some sunshine! We have been working very hard in Year 4, learning how to use the formal long division method. This week the children have struggled to understand the method but we have finally cracked it! In English, we have been planning our own adventure story. We have started our text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. As you can see below, we had lots of fun at Stanborough Lakes. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day. 

Thursday 25th May - Oakmere Mini Marathon

Next week

English – We will be writing a story. 

Maths – We will be learning about Roman Numerals and Negative numbers. 

Science - We will be identifying what an insulator and a conductor is. 

RE - We will be discussing words of Wisdom.

Art and Design - We will be making our moving toy. 

Computing - We will be finishing our short videos. 

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practice their times tables. In Year 4, it is helpful for the children to secure their recall of times tables in preparation for Year 5. The children should also ensure they are practicing their use of homophones/near homophones. There is a list below to support your understanding. 

Mrs Bidder