Good afternoon,
I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying the sunshine! This week in Year 4 we have been writing an adventure story. The children have thought carefully about the structure of their stories and thought carefully about the language they have used. In maths, we have recapped Roman Numerals and negative numbers this week. The children enjoyed their learning of Roman Numerals.
Please be aware the work provided as home learning is not compulsory but it is reflective of the learning we have been doing in class and will benefit the children to embed skills they have learnt in class. Half term projects are part of our policy and should be completed and returned by the children.
Next week
English – We will be writing an explanation text.
Maths – We will be learning about angles in triangles.
Science - We will be identifying what makes a switch.
Art and Design - We will be making our moving toy.
Art and Design - We will be planning an electrical game.
Computing - We will be finishing our short videos.
Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practice their times tables. In Year 4, it is helpful for the children to secure their recall of times tables in preparation for Year 5. The children should also ensure they are practicing their use of homophones/near homophones. There is a list below to support your understanding.