Friday, 30 June 2023


Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying the cooler weather! Thank you for all your support with parent consultations this week, I am sure you would all agree the children have achieved much this year. Thank you for all the congratulatory comments, it is with a heavy heart I will be saying good bye to Little Heath at the end of the year. This week in English, we have started to write the next chapter of our story. We have had lots of fun writing this. In maths, we have been learning to draw and interpret line graphs.  

Sharing Assembly - 3rd July 

Ralph H 




Strike - Wednesday 5th July & Friday 7th July 

Next week

English – We will be writing a recount.

Maths – We will developing our time skills. 

Science - We will be classifying and sorting living organisms.

Art and Design - We will be planning an electrical game. 

PE - Circus Skills 

PSHE - Changing Me 

In PSHE, this half term we will be learning about how our bodies change. If you would like to know more please refer to the PSHE policy on the website. 

Monday, 26 June 2023

Spellings 26/06/23

 1. remember

 2. separate

 3. special

 4. strength

 5. though

 6. although

 7. thought

 8. through

 9. weight

 10. wait

 11. different

 12. excited

Friday, 23 June 2023


Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying the sunshine! We had lots of fun yesterday, all the children certainly showed all their sporting talents. This week in English we have written an explanation text for our fantastic inventions. In maths, we have been learning to find the area of a space.  

Please be aware the work provided as home learning is not compulsory but it is reflective of the learning we have been doing in class and will benefit the children  to embed skills they have learnt in class. Half term projects are part of our policy and should be completed and returned by the children. 

Sharing Assembly - 3rd July 

Ralph H 




Parents Evening - Wednesday 28th June and Thursday 29th June

Next week

English – We will be writing a recount.

Maths – We will be finding the perimeter

Science - We will be classifying and sorting living organisms.

Art and Design - We will be planning an electrical game. 

Art and Design - We will be using clay to mould plates. 

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practice their times tables. In Year 4, it is helpful for the children to secure their recall of times tables in preparation for Year 5. The children should also ensure they are practicing their use of homophones/near homophones. There is a list below to support your understanding. 

Monday, 19 June 2023


Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying the sunshine! This week we have become inventors and been creating a new fun and exciting invention that could be used for the future.  In Maths, we have been revising how to multiply and divide. This week the children have been practicing using the formal method for multiplication. 

Please be aware the work provided as home learning is not compulsory but it is reflective of the learning we have been doing in class and will benefit the children  to embed skills they have learnt in class. Half term projects are part of our policy and should be completed and returned by the children. 

Sports Day - 1.30pm KS2 Sports Day 

Next week

English – We will be writing an explanation text. 

Maths – We will be learning to find the area of a space. 

Science - We will be recognising living things can be grouped.

Art and Design - We will be planning an electrical game. 

Art and Design - We will be using clay to mould plates. 

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practice their times tables. In Year 4, it is helpful for the children to secure their recall of times tables in preparation for Year 5. The children should also ensure they are practicing their use of homophones/near homophones. There is a list below to support your understanding. 

Spellings 19/06/23

 1. Happily 

 2. Prettily 

 3. Easily

 4. Sleepily

 5. Greedily 

 6. Clumsily

 7.  Angrily

 8. Gently 

 9. Simply 

 10. Humbly

 11. Nobly

 12. Basically

 13. Frantically

 14. Dramatically 

Monday, 12 June 2023

Spellings 12/06/23

1.       various

2.       weight

3.       woman

4.       country

5.       mystery

6.       arrive

7.       interested

8.       completed

9.       naughty

10.   surprise

11.   thoughtful

12.   which

13.   thorough

14.   through

15.   threw


 Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying the sunshine! This week in Year 4 we have been reading our new story, 'Charlie Small in Gorilla City'. The children have been thinking carefully about products they would like to invent in the future to help them. This has been very insightful, the children will be keen to share these ideas with you all. In Maths, we have been learning about coordinates and translations. The children will all be fantastic battleship players now! 

Please be aware the work provided as home learning is not compulsory but it is reflective of the learning we have been doing in class and will benefit the children  to embed skills they have learnt in class. Half term projects are part of our policy and should be completed and returned by the children. 

Next week

English – We will be writing an explanation text. 

Maths – We will be learning to formally multiply and divide. 

Science - We will be identifying how to make series and parallel circuits.

Art and Design - We will be planning an electrical game. 

Art and Design - We will be learning more about Clarice Cliff

Please ensure the children are using TTRS as much as possible to practice their times tables. In Year 4, it is helpful for the children to secure their recall of times tables in preparation for Year 5. The children should also ensure they are practicing their use of homophones/near homophones. There is a list below to support your understanding.