Friday, 24 May 2024

Week ending 24th May 2024

Year Four,

We had a fabulous time at the Mini-Marathon today. The children all took part and ran well.

 We have been working hard and have completed our fraction block in maths. We have begun to work on decimals now.

In our English lessons the children finished their stories and worked on using subordinate conjunctions.

For geography we looked at maps of the UK and located five of the main rivers.

We completed our science project on electricity which leads on to the children's home project.

Home Project

As the children are now adept at creating electrical circuits we are incorporating this into the home project for the final half term.

The aim of the project is to design, make and evaluate a game that uses an electrical circuit as part of the design.

I do not expect the children to complete all of this at home. I have explained that they have to do the following:

  • Design the game
  • Draw it and label it with all components
  • Write a list of materials
  • Explain how to play the game
If your child wishes to make the game at home and this is possible please feel free to do so. The above is what is expected, but the whole project can be completed at home if you wish.

Times Tables

When we return from the half term break we will only have a week or so to work on the speed needed to recall tables. The children have done so well and those taking the text have learned every table, so it would be great if they could keep working on the speed aspect.
They should be working on TTRockstars on a daily basis at the moment as we are so close to the test.
I am planning for the children to take the test on Wednesday 12th June. 

I wish you all a very happy half term break.
Ms Davis