Friday, 18 October 2024

 Dear Parents,

This first half-term has flown by, and I can't believe we only have one week left before the break! I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the parent consultation meetings next week, it will be nice to catch-up and discuss what we have been learning in class.

There are a couple of important updates to share. First, we will be having one of our PE slots on Tuesday instead of Thursday, so please ensure the children bring their PE kits in for then. Also, just a reminder that we will be going on our woodland walk on Friday as part of our geography topic on woodland areas. We’ll be exploring how our local woodland is used by the public, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately in warm, autumnal clothing.

This week, the children have been working hard on writing their own myths, inspired by the ones we’ve been reading in class. They’ve been putting a lot of thought into including expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, multi-clause sentences, and similes. I’ve been truly blown away by the quality of their writing! It’s been wonderful to see how much they’re enjoying the process, and next week, we’ll be finishing and editing these stories before designing our own front covers to go with them.

In maths, we’ve been focusing on using the column method for addition and subtraction, with a particular focus on exchanging. We’ll continue working on this next week to further develop their confidence and accuracy.

In PSHE, we’ve been discussing what qualities help us work effectively as part of a team and in what scenarios teamwork is important. The children have also been giving advice on how others can improve their collaboration skills, which has led to some thoughtful discussions.

Next week in science, we’ll be wrapping up our topic on animals including humans by reviewing everything we've learned so far. The children will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and show how much they’ve remembered.

I hope you all have a happy and safe weekend!

Best regards,

Mr Chanter