Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you’ve had a lovely week, despite the chilly weather! It’s always a delight to see the children’s excitement when it snows, even with the small amount we had earlier this week. Their enthusiasm for it is always lovely to see
In Design and Technology this week, we have been learning about different types of food and discussing what makes them ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy.’ The children have also started planning the ingredients for their food wraps, which they will create in a few weeks’ time. Next week, we will shift our focus to designing packaging for these wraps, ensuring it includes all the necessary details found on food packaging.
In computing, we have been learning how sound can be recorded and edited, which has been a fascinating topic for the children. Next week, we will record various sounds using instruments and then learn how to edit, shorten, and merge these clips to create cohesive audio pieces.
As part of our PSHE topic, Celebrating Differences, we have been discussing how our personal experiences and influences shape our thoughts about other people. Next week, we will take this further by exploring what it feels like to be a witness to or target of bullying. This will help the children develop empathy and a deeper understanding of these experiences.
In history, our study of Ancient Egypt continues to spark curiosity. This week, we learned about Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. The children stepped into the role of historians, analysing artefacts found in the tomb and considering why particular items were buried with the pharaoh. Next week, they will write diary entries from Howard Carter’s perspective, capturing the excitement and wonder of his incredible discovery.
In English, we finished reading FArTHER and will now begin planning and writing our own sequels to the story. The children will imagine the son pursuing a new dream and will incorporate the skills they have been practicing, such as using multi-clause sentences, similes, and fronted adverbials, to bring their writing to life.
In maths, we have been developing our knowledge of the 3, 6, and 9 times tables while exploring the connections between them. Next week, we will move on to the 7, 11, and 12 times tables, looking for patterns and solving problems that require applying this knowledge.
A couple of important reminders: for our school trip on Monday 2nd December, please ensure your child arrives at school by 8:10am, as the coach will be leaving promptly at 8:30am. Additionally, starting today, the lost property box will be placed on the KS1 playground at the end of the school day. If your child has misplaced any items, you are welcome to check the box during this time.
As we approach the festive season, Mrs Lawrence has asked if the children can practise the following songs from home in preparation for our Carol Concert: .
Warm regards,