Hello Everyone,
I hope you have all had a wonderful week! Here is a summary of what the children have been learning this week, as well as a glimpse of what’s to come next week.
This week in English, the children have been writing and editing their own narratives based on The Iron Man. Each day, they have focused on a different aspect of writing, such as using fronted adverbials, multi-clause sentences, and direct speech to enrich their paragraphs. Next week, the children will complete their narratives and will write blurbs summarising their stories. They will also design creative front covers to accompany their work.
In maths, we have been exploring methods for multiplying and dividing 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The children have been practising strategies such as partitioning and using formal written methods. Next week, we will begin a new topic: Length and Perimeter. The children will learn to measure and compare lengths using standard units, convert between units (e.g., centimetres to metres), and calculate the perimeter of various shapes.
This week in science, we conducted an exciting fizzy drink experiment! The children explored the concept of gases having weight by measuring the mass of fizzy drinks before and after they went flat. This allowed us to calculate the weight of the carbon dioxide that had escaped. Next week, we will investigate the effects of heating and cooling. The children will learn about how changes in temperature can cause materials to change state, exploring concepts such as melting, freezing, and evaporation through hands-on experiments.
Our computing lessons this week focused on the topic of “Repetition on Shape.”** The children were introduced to programming in Logo, a text-based programming language. They learned to input commands to control a screen turtle, enabling them to draw shapes and patterns. Next week, the children will build on this knowledge by programming algorithms to create their initials, practising their ability to plan, sequence, and debug their code.
In PSHE, we began our new topic, “Dreams and Goals.” The children enjoyed listening to 'Salt in His Shoes', a story about Michael Jordan’s perseverance and determination to achieve his dreams. We used this as a springboard to reflect on our own aspirations and discuss how our dreams might vary from one another.
This week, the children explored the concept of responsible trading. They discussed the importance of fair trade and how it ensures better working conditions, fair wages, and sustainable practices. Next week, we will answer the question, “How do we get our chocolate?” by following the journey of a cocoa bean from its origins on a farm to the chocolate we enjoy. This will help the children understand global supply chains and the roles of producers and consumers.
Geography Project
As part of our geography topic, I would like the children to research where the ingredients for their favourite meal come from and present this information any way they wish (this could be in the form of a poster or PowerPoint). We will be sharing these projects on Friday 14th February.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week!
Best wishes,
Mr Chanter