Saturday, 18 January 2025

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a great week! It was wonderful to see so many of you at our class assembly this morning. Your support really meant a lot to the children, and it made the event extra special for them.

This week in English, we’ve been diving into some creative writing! The children have been busy planning their own stories inspired by The Iron Man. They’ve been crafting unique characters, each with their own special traits, and using expanded noun phrases and similes to describe them. These descriptions will be used in their narratives, which they’ll start writing next week. We’ll also be focusing on important writing techniques like fronted adverbials and multi-clause sentences, helping them to create more detailed and engaging stories.

In maths, our focus has been on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have also explored the relationship between multiplication and division, which has helped them understand these concepts more deeply. Next week, we’ll take this further by learning how to multiply and divide 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. This will give them the skills to handle more complex problems, building their confidence and problem-solving abilities.

In science, we’ve been exploring the three states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. The children have been learning about the unique characteristics of each state and discussing real-life examples. Next week, we’ll be focusing more on gases, exploring their properties through experiments and discussions. This hands-on approach will help the children see the differences between gases, liquids, and solids in a fun and interactive way.

Our geography lessons this week have been all about understanding where our food comes from. We looked at the types of biomes where different foods grow and discussed the concept of ‘food miles’—how far food travels from where it’s grown to our plates. This led to some great conversations about how food transportation can impact the environment. Next week, we’ll be learning about responsible trade, exploring what it means to trade fairly and sustainably, and how our choices can make a positive difference for both people and the planet.

In computing, we’re starting an exciting new topic called “Repetition on Shape.” This is the first of our programming units for the year. The children will be using Logo, a text-based programming language, to create shapes and patterns. They’ll learn how to plan, modify, and test their commands, gaining a better understanding of repetition and loops in coding. It’s a great way to build their programming skills while having fun with creative designs.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and I look forward to seeing everyone next week!

Take care,

Mr Chanter