Friday, 10 January 2025

Welcome back everyone!
We hope you all had a relaxing and fun break filled with special moments. It’s so great to see everyone back, feeling refreshed and ready for a new term. A new year means new adventures, and we’re excited to get started!

A huge thank you again for the amazing gifts you gave us before the holidays. Your kindness really warmed our hearts. Sorry about the delay in my last blog post—it didn’t upload until our first day back! But I want to say again how much we appreciate your generosity. You all are the best!

The kids have settled back in nicely, and it’s been lovely hearing all about their Christmas break. They’ve shared some wonderful stories, and it’s been a cheerful start to the term.

This week, we dove back into The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The latest chapters were super exciting, with The Iron Man facing off against the 'Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon' to save Earth. The kids have been describing the emotions of the characters using lots of expressive adjectives. Next week, they’ll get creative by coming up with their own versions of the Iron Man and writing some fun stories inspired by him.

In maths, we’ve been working on factors and factor pairs, plus multiplying numbers by 10. The kids have been really into it! Next week, we’ll move on to multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100—it’s going to be a great way to build on their skills.

We’re about to kick off our new science topic, 'States of Matter.' It’s going to be all about solids, liquids, and gases. The kids will learn how these states change under different conditions and get to do some cool experiments to see it all in action. It’s going to be a lot of fun and super interesting!

Just a quick reminder: starting next week, the kids will need to bring these kits on these days:

  • Monday: PE kits

  • Wednesday: Swimming gear

  • Friday: Football kits

Please make sure they have the right gear so they can fully enjoy our PE sessions.

We’re really looking forward to our class assembly on Friday 17th December at 9am in the main hall. The kids can’t wait to show you all the highlights from their learning this year. We hope you can make it—it’s going to be a great time!

Thanks for all your support, and we’re looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!