Friday, 7 February 2025

Good evening everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely week. It’s hard to believe that we only have one week left before the half-term break!


This week in English, we have been delving into the beautifully written story Winter’s Child. Our focus has been on writing dialogue between the two main characters, ensuring the correct use of punctuation, such as inverted commas, to structure speech clearly. The children have also been learning about apostrophes, both for contractions (e.g., don’t, it’s, we’ll) and possession (e.g., Winter’s coat, the boy’s adventure). We’ve been working on applying these skills within our own writing to create engaging and accurate dialogue.


In Science, we have been learning about different parts of the water cycle, exploring key processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. The children have been fascinated by how water continuously moves through the cycle, changing state between liquid, gas, and solid. Next week, we will continue our investigations into water, focusing on reversible changes. We will explore how water can change from ice to liquid and then to gas, and we’ll conduct some exciting experiments to see how these changes can be reversed.

Maths Day Fun!

Today was our much-anticipated Maths Day, and the children had a fantastic time engaging in a range of fun, practical activities. They took part in a place value game, testing their knowledge of numbers and their values in a creative way. Another highlight was designing a school garden, where they applied their understanding of perimeter to plan out different areas within the space. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and teamwork as they tackled each challenge!

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 11th February

Next Tuesday, we will be marking Safer Internet Day by completing a range of activities to help children understand the importance of staying safe online. We will be discussing how to recognise potential risks, the importance of keeping personal information private, and how to seek help if they encounter something concerning. We encourage you to continue this conversation at home. Please take this opportunity to check your child’s online activity and review security settings on their devices to ensure they are engaging with age-appropriate content. By working together, we can help children develop safe and responsible online habits.

Mental Health Focus Next Week

Next week, we will also be focusing on mental health and well-being. Through a variety of activities, we will encourage children to recognise and express their feelings, develop strategies for managing emotions, and understand the importance of talking about mental health.

Reminders for Next Week:

  • KS2 Valentine’s Disco – Wednesday 12th February
  • Geography Projects – Friday 14th February - The children can bring in their geography projects to share with the class. We can’t wait to see their hard work!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend – hopefully, it won’t be too wet!

The Year 4 Team