Good evening,
I hope you've all had a lovely week and are looking forward to a restful half-term break! It’s been a wonderful week in Year 4 and I’d like to share some of the exciting things we’ve been up to.
This week, we’ve wrapped up our reading of Winter’s Child, and the children have shown great enthusiasm for the story. We’ve spent time discussing the plot and characters, which has led to some fantastic ideas for their own creative writing. The class has been busy planning their sequels to the book, and after the half term, they will be writing these narratives, using all the skills they’ve developed throughout the term.
In Maths, we’ve just completed our topic on length and perimeter. The children have done a great job of understanding how to calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. We’ve spent time applying their knowledge in real-world contexts, measuring the sides of different shapes and adding up the lengths to find the perimeter. They’ve also worked on understanding the difference between perimeter and area, which is something we’ll continue to revisit in future topics.
This week, we conducted an experiment on the process of evaporation. The children measured the size of a puddle at different times throughout the day, observing how its perimeter changed as the water evaporated. Through this hands-on investigation, they learned about the science behind evaporation and how the water cycle works. After gathering their data, the children created line graphs to visually represent the changes they observed. It was a fantastic learning opportunity for them to connect real-life observations with scientific concepts.
In Geography, we’ve been learning about food miles. The children researched fresh foods from different supermarkets to explore where they come from and how far they travel to reach our homes. We calculated the average food miles for different products and discussed the environmental impact of transporting food across long distances. Some children also had the chance to share their fantastic food-related projects with the class, while others will present theirs after the half-term. The children showed a real curiosity for this topic, and I look forward to continuing the discussion after the half term.
Safer Internet Day:
This week, we also marked Safer Internet Day. The theme for this year was scamming and phishing, and the children explored different types of online scams and how to recognise them. They learned about common warning signs, such as suspicious links and emails, and discussed how they can protect themselves online. We also emphasised the importance of being cautious with personal information and knowing who to contact if something feels unsafe on the internet.
Wellbeing Week:
As part of Wellbeing Week, the children had the chance to reflect on what makes them happy. They worked together in groups to create a collaborative, "Happy World" using playdough. It was a lovely activity that encouraged the children to appreciate how different things bring happiness to different people. They showed great understanding of the importance of acceptance and working together to create positive environments for everyone. This was a great opportunity for the children to consider their own wellbeing and how we can all contribute to making the world a better place.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support. I hope everyone has a well-deserved rest over the half-term break!
Warm regards,
The Year 4 Team