Hello Year 4.
Welcome to the new school year! It has been so lovely getting to know you all over the last few days and I have been really impressed with how well you have settled in.
This week we have been doing a lot of activities focused on developing self-confidence, self-belief and thinking about what a 'Growth Mindset' means to us and how we can show this in and outside of the classroom. We have also been completing a lot of teamwork activities including building the tallest tower out of a range of materials. I was so proud of the resilience and co-operation that was shown during these tasks.
Next week:
We will be focusing mental addition and subtraction. We will also begin practising our times tables next week, but we will not have a times table test until the following week. The children have decided which times tables they would like to work on first.
This week we will begin reading 'Bill's New Frock'. The children will be discussing characters thoughts, feelings and actions through a range of drama activities. We will be focusing on diary entry writing and children will complete a diary entry in role as the main character. Spellings will not start until the following week.
We are beginning our topic on 'Animals including humans' by learning about the digestive system. The children will get the opportunity to create an artistic representation of the digestive system using a range of different resources.
In art we will be completing some observation drawings and focusing on practising skills and promoting the belief that 'everyone can draw'.
We are looking at 'belonging' and what makes an effective 'Year 4 class team and family'.
This week we are exploring the importance of being safe online by creating and performing an eSafety presentation.
We are beginning our topic on our local area (Potters Bar) and looking at different timelines to represent different periods in History.
This week we are recapping our knowledge of Spain and Spanish culture. If anyone has been to Spain on holiday and has photographs or souvenirs they would like to share, you are more than welcome to bring them in. We will be focusing on greetings in Spanish.
Children have PE on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will be swimming on Wednesdays so please remember swimming kits. The children are also working on Football this half term so please ensure they have appropriate kit as they will be outside.
I am really looking forward to a full week of learning. Enjoy the weekend and please make sure you are reading at home. See you on Monday!
Miss Bradford