Friday, 14 September 2018


Hello Year 4! We have had such a fantastic week of learning! I am so proud of all of the hard work and effort the class have put into their work this week. Keep it up!

Highlights of the week:

This week we have had an introduction to all of the subjects we are studying in Year 4, and the children have made a brilliant start. I was particularly impressed with our science work where the children made life-size drawings of the digestive system, using different materials to represent the different aspects of the body. The children produced AMAZING entries for the firework art competition using oil pastels, crayons and chalk. The class have also really enjoyed reading ‘Bill’s New Frock’. Today we did some hot-seating where a few children volunteered to step in role as the main character, while the other children got to ask  the character questions. The class generated some brilliant questions and justifications for the character's actions and feelings in the story. The girls also really enjoyed their netball game at Stormont, and Mr Mills said he was really impressed with how well they played.

Next week: 

We will continue with addition and subtraction of single, double and triple digits and comparing numbers using <, > and equal signs. We will also have a times table test this week. This is nothing to worry about. The children have discussed with me what times tables they would like to work on so please make sure you are practising at home.

English:We will continue reading ‘Bill’s New Frock’ and developing creative writing skills as the children will write an alternative ending to the story. I will also be giving the class a list of the statutory spellings that the children are expected to know by the end of Year 4. Please do not let this worry you. This is just so that the children have a goal to work towards. We will be covering all of these throughout the year but we will have a mini test this week so you can see how many you already know!

Science:The children will be creating their own quiz on the functions of the digestive system.

Art:We will be looking at 'Junkyard art' and discussing our opinions of this type of art.

PSHE:We will be looking at what makes a positive school community and how we can be a leader and a role model in our school.
ICT:This week we are exploring how a computer works by creating and taking part in communication and instruction activities.

History:We are going to be investigating the impact of WW2 on potters bar history.
Spanish:We will be learning how to greet one another in Spanish.
P.E:Children have P.E on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will be swimming on Wednesdays so please remember swimming kits. The children are also working on Football this half term so please ensure they have appropriate kit as they will be outside.

RE:We are going to be discussing what is worship and what different religions believe worship is.
Please make sure your child is reading at home and practising their times tables and spellings as much as possible. Every child now has a Mathletics record and reading record so please make sure these are updated. Mathletics is a great resource for children to develop their maths skills online so please can I ask that you try and find time for the children to go on this. 

I am looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces on Monday morning!

Enjoy the weekend!
