Friday, 21 September 2018


Hello Year 4!
We have had another busy week of learning, and the children are continuing to impress me with their hard work and positive attitude to learning!

Highlights of the week:
This week we have been focusing on building resilience in the classroom and the children have been really challenging themselves in class, which has made a huge difference to the work they have produced. In particular, the children have been showing their determination with a maths investigation, trying out lots of different solutions and combinations to get the right pattern.  We have also been focusing on mindfulness by looking at different song lyrics which promote self-confidence and self-belief. A class favourite seems to be “THIS IS ME” from The Greatest Showman!

Next week:

We are finishing our topic of addition and subtraction and the children will have a times table test on Friday, unless you have been told otherwise by myself.

We are finishing ‘Bill’s New Frock’ on Monday and moving onto a unit on poetry. 

Children have been given spellings today to take home to practise, unless I have told you otherwise. There will be a spelling test on Friday. Here is the list of spellings: 
-          treasure
-          measure
-          pleasure
-          enclosure
-          closure
-          pressure
-          exposure
-          leisure
-          disclosure
-          reassure

We are continuing our work on the digestive system and looking specifically at the role of the teeth. We will be discussing potential experiment ideas for this topic.

Children have P.E on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will be swimming on Wednesdays, so please remember swimming kits. The children are also working on Football this half term so please ensure they have appropriate kit as they will be outside.

I am also in the process of arranging a trip to the Potters Bar museum linking to our topic ‘Local History’. I will update you as soon as I have more information on this.

I will also be sending home information regarding Sharing Assemblies this week, so you are prepared in advance for when it is your child’s turn.

Please make sure you are reading at home and filling in reading records. It is also important that your children are bringing their Mathletics books in daily so we can see the learning that has been completed at home.

As always, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to either email me or see me at the end of the day.
Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Miss Bradford