Friday, 28 September 2018


Hello Year 4!
I can’t believe it is the end of week 4 already! The term is flying by and the children are now really settled into the routine and expectations of Year 4.

Highlights of the week:
This week has been really busy and the children have been really excited by the arrival of the book fair. (It is still here until Tuesday, so don’t worry if you haven’t had the chance to pop in yet). It has been a busy week and we even had an alien leave a letter in our class which we discovered in our History lesson! The children have been creating riddles this week and they really enjoyed sharing these with the class today. Their ideas were so inventive and they managed to trick many of the adults too! We have continued to develop our growth mind-set, as the children listened to “Reach for the stars”. We now have stars that the children have made hanging from the ceiling to remind them to always try their best. Their resilience is really developing, particularly in maths, where we are enjoying our weekly maths investigations. We even used drama to find the solution to this week’s problem!

Next week:
We are starting a new topic on multiplication and division. The children had a times table test this week so please keep practising at home. They will be tested on the same tables next week, but this time in mixed order, unless I have told you otherwise.

We are continuing our unit on poetry and entering a poetry competition!

This week the spelling focus is homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings). Children will have a spelling test on Friday, unless I have told you otherwise, so please keep practising at home. The spellings are as follows:
-      piece and peace
-      weight and wait
-      aloud and allowed
-      sum and some
-      their, there and they’re

We are continuing our investigation on teeth and analysing the difference between animal and human teeth.

Next week in art we are beginning to design our montage, with the title ‘All about Me’. Therefore, it would be great if the children could bring in items from home that represent themselves. This can be photographs, souvenirs but no electronic or breakable devices please. We will be discussing them and the children will be given the opportunity to draw them.

Unfortunately due to the building work we are not holding a Harvest festival, however we are collecting cans and non-perishable for a local charity. Children can bring these in any day next week.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine, and I look forward to seeing you on Monday, focused and ready to learn. Please don’t forget to keep reading and completing mathletics. I look forward to giving out lots more certificates for your achievements!

Miss Bradford