Friday, 9 November 2018


Hello Year 4!
What an amazing, busy and hardworking start to the second half term! A massive well done and thank you to all of the children who completed some home learning over the holidays. We now have a fantastic display in the classroom with pictures, letters, drawings and photographs of all of the brilliant learning you have been doing over half term.

Highlights of the week.

On Tuesday we visited the Potters Bar Museum and I was beyond impressed with how well behaved the children were. They asked lots of questions, had a chance to look at some artefacts and read lots  of information about Potters Bar history. It was a delight to hear the children tell me all the facts they had learnt on our walk back to school. Here are some photos from the trip.

On Thursday we had a visitor who came and talked to us about Sikhism. The children had the opportunity to extend their knowledge of Sikhism, which we covered last term, as well as asking some of their own questions. In Literacy we have begun our new topic on myth/quest stories and the class used props to help them write their own story. In Maths we have been learning to tell the time. We went outside and did some role play to show the different times in the day and to help represent the passing of time. This is an abstract concept and we will be returning to this but any home learning you can do on this would be really helpful to help consolidate this concept. This can be as simple as making the children aware of the time that they get up in the morning, the time they have dinner, the time they go to sleep etc. Veer-Ram and Aayan also gave the class a presentation on Diwali where they shared how they and their families celebrate this festival. Albert and Annabelle also shared their home learning research of the festival. I was so impressed by the confidence that the children showed in delivering their presentations and facts. We have also started practising for our class assembly! The children have all been given their lines and I have given these out for children to take home. Please practise these at home so you are really confident at reading them in class and on the day.

Next week

English: We are continuing exploring myth and quest stories.


This weeks spellings focus is the prefixes 'in' and 'im' and looking at how this changes the root word. The spellings for the children to learn are as follows:
- inactive
- incapable
- incredible
- inaccurate
- immature
- immobile
- impossible
- impatient
- impolite
- independent
There will be a pre-test on Monday so the children can see how many they already know. If the children get most/all of the spellings correct on Monday they will be set an extension challenge of finding more difficult words in the dictionary with the same prefixes. We will have our spelling test on Friday.


We are moving onto measurement and fractions. Any pre-learning you can do at home will be really helpful. You can use food to show fractions visually, for example cutting an apple into equal fractions and explaining what 2/3 would look like through visual representation. 

Maths investigation of the week: 

Three monkeys ate a total of 25 nuts. Each of them ate a different odd number of nuts. How many nuts did each of the monkeys eat? Find as many different ways to do it as you can.


We will be sorting living things into different groups.

I am looking forward to seeing lots of you at the firework display tomorrow evening. Remember to wrap up warm! I would also like to remind you that letters for the sharing assembly went out this week for the children who were meant to do this in October. I look forward to seeing you on Monday morning at 9 am to celebrate their work.  This has been updated on the 'Sharing Assembly' tab. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday! :)

Miss Bradford