Friday, 16 November 2018


Hello Year 4! It was so lovely to see so many of you at the fireworks display last week braving it in the weather! We have had another fantastic week of learning in Year 4.

Highlights of the week:
This week the children had the chance to try some Spanish tortilla in our Spanish lesson on food. It is fair to say there were very mixed opinions in the class! However, I was really pleased that everyone tried it. In PSHE the class produced a role play communicating the message that everyone is perfect in their own way and celebrating the differences in us all. In maths the children have been getting really hands on with lots of problem solving investigations and they have really impressed me with their reasoning skills to convince me that they have found the answer. We have also been learning how to measure accurately. The children had a maths lesson outside where they were estimating the length of different playground and outdoor materials. In literacy we have been looking at a range of mythical texts and discussing the features of these stories. Some of the class also competed in an athletics competition where they worked really hard as a team and managed to come 2nd place with only 2 points behind first! Congratulations to you all.

Next week:
We are continuing our work on mythical texts and creating our own mythical character.

This week we are continuing to look at prefixes. The focus this week is the prefix ‘ir’ and ‘il’. There will be a pre-test on Monday where the children have the chance to see how many they already know. If they get them all correct on Monday, they will have the extra challenge of finding different words with the prefix ‘ir’ and ‘il’. The normal test will be on Friday. The words are as follows:

Doubling, halving and fractions.

Categorising, living things.

Maths investigation of the week:

Can I please remind you that it is really important that you are reading, practising your spellings, times tables and completing Mathletics at home.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Bradford